This site uses Cookies |
Website CookiesThis Website Uses CookiesThe Mickey Toones website uses cookies which are small text files that we store on your computer. For more information about cookies you can visit many sites including and EU Privacy Law now requires that we provide you with information about our cookies so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to allow us to continue using them while you browse our site. We use cookies to enhance your experience with us as well as some 3rd party cookies that will be set when other pieces of software such as analytics programs are required. If you do not want cookies to be set you can block them using your web browser software. For more information about this you can carry out an internet search about 'blocking cookies' at google for example by clicking here. Google Analytics: To help us understand how your browse our website and so that we can provide the information that you are looking for we use Google Analytics for tracking site vists and browsing behaviour. We do not store as part of our analytics system or transmit to Google any personal data. The cookies that will be set by analytics as detailed below.